Be sure about who you are offering credit to – be Creditsure.
Taking due care and diligence when providing goods or services with the option of payment using credit is critical to success. Overlooking or being unaware of a compromising factor in a new client’s finances can lead to problems and headaches further along in the process.
The proper process of credit checking a new client can prevent issues later on, and should always be one of the first steps taken in any credit-based agreement.
Whilst most businesses are aware of this and have a credit check process in place, without more specialised tools, independent checks cannot be as comprehensive as those which a dedicated credit-check agency can offer.
As well as this, many smaller businesses or start-ups are unable to manage a credit check service in-house.
As part of our free service, Debt Collection Cardiff helps both businesses and individuals find the leading credit-check agencies in Cardiff and Wales.
Creditsure Company Credit Checks
Credit checking an individual or a business is an extremely simple and effective action, one which can assess whether a new client is able to pay for or re-pay any credit which you are able to provide them with,
Regardless of whether your client is another business or a private individual, a credit check is absolutely essential when starting any new agreement.
Company Credit Checks – What Our Partners Offer
- Credit Rating & Recommended Credit Limit
- Full Director Listings
- Credit History Including Outstanding and Satisfied CCJ’s
- Company Event History
- Provides Peace of Mind
The free credit check referral service which Debt Collection Cardiff offers is open to both businesses and private individuals in Cardiff and Wales. This is the most effective a low-cost credit-check agency referral service available.
Each of our award-winning partners is the leading credit checking companies for Cardiff and Wales, and are hand-picked by our in-house team of industry experts.
Our award-winning commercial credit check partners offer a cost-effective company credit check service, which delivers accurate and comprehensive company reports for as low as £4.80. This package also includes a full credit limit proposal.
Featured Company Credit Checks Agency Partner
CreditSure is the No1 Company Credit Check Agency in the UK. Their low-cost company credit check service helps businesses across the nation.
With a professional, cost-effective service, businesses can quickly assess all credit-related matters with CreditSure.